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Bangladesh, Belgium, China, Germany, Thailand, Viet Nam - Economic Development
European Commission
04/03/2013 - 15/08/2013
€ 44,914.00
Mid-Term Evaluation: three actions under the Programme: "Promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in support to Lebanon's clean energy transition" (ENI/2018/041-140)
GMS Cross-border Livestock Health and Value Chains Improvement Project (54002-001)
EU Trade and Investment Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Final evaluation of the Transport Sector and Public Finance Management Support Programme
Technical Assistance for Trade Facilitation Programme in Mozambique - Promove Comércio
Market Study for the EU Business Group / Chamber of Commerce in Sierra Leone
Recruitment of experts (“assessors”) to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the call for proposals EuropeAid/FED/161-786, Rwanda
Final Evaluation of the Standard and Market Access Programme (SMAP)