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This privacy and data protection policy (hereinafter referred to as Privacy Policy) governs the way in which AETS collects, uses, stores, protects and, potentially, discloses users’ data. This privacy policy was last modified on the 12th of October 2018 and is effective immediately.

AETS is an international consulting company that works alongside governments and the private and public sectors to offer sustainable solutions for improving living conditions in Europe and in developing and emerging countries.

In these development and cooperation projects, we put our know-how into practice through feasibility studies, technical, economic and financial studies, cost-benefit analyses, and capacity-building sessions. Our services also comprise auditing, monitoring and evaluation, strategy and organisation consulting, and professional training courses.

At AETS, the privacy of our users’ data is of utmost importance. As such, this document (Privacy Policy) provides information regarding the use of our users’ data and the respective rights that users have with regards to their data.

Data collection, storage and use:

  • AETS collects data from users that work within, or are interested in missions in, our areas of activity. The data collected and stored in our user database are used in the identification of consultants (users) whose skills correspond to the criteria of a specific tender/project/mission, as well as for the distribution of the company’s newsletter, which publishes information and certain collaboration opportunities.
  • The data collected may include users’ Curriculum Vitae (CV), contact information (telephone numbers and/or e-mail addresses), bank details, emergency contact information and legal information such as suppliers’ VAT numbers, company registration numbers or other information which AETS suppliers routinely use when communicating with us.
  • Users data are collected directly from users via requests sent by post, e-mail, LinkedIn or the AETS website (via the form on the “Careers” page).
  • The data are stored in the AETS archives for as long as they remain pertinent to our abovementioned activities. Nevertheless, users are informed that they have the right to request that their data, as described in the “Access, rectification and deletion of data” section of this document, be deleted, updated or modified.
  • Users’ CVs and other personal information will only be used in the context of call for tenders and consequently featured in the expressions of interest/tenders/proposals prepared by AETS. The user is hereby informed that these data may be communicated by AETS to third parties (AETS partners and natural persons), in which case the respective user will be notified thereof. All other documents intended for external use may not contain users’ personal information without prior consent from the user.    
  • When a user is identified as a potential expert for a project/preparation of a tender and has given his/her consent to participate in the specific project, the user’s CV and information will be communicated to all parties for the purpose of the specific tender/project/mission. In this case, the user is informed.
  • Information regarding experts who have carried out missions for AETS will remain stored in the AETS internal archives for legal and fiscal purposes, as required by French law, as well as for audit purposes in accordance with our clients’ procedures.

Data security:

  • Users’ data are stored in AETS’ internal servers: thus, the data are protected by the same security measures as the AETS information system as a whole. The servers are backed-up in various locations, and protected by a firewall.
  • AETS’ servers are located in France and Thailand. Data transfer between both servers is undertaken solely for the purpose of concluding a contract and ensuring its proper execution.  All personal data, other than those necessary for the proper execution of a contract, will be stored in France.
  • AETS’ website uses cookies to collect anonymous traffic data (browser information, IP address, language, device information) for the purpose of improving the user experience.

Third party access:

  • Third parties comprise any of AETS’ clients, which include, but are not limited to: European Union, World Bank, French Development Agency, European Investment Bank, African Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations, Asian Development Bank, private clients etc.
  • In addition to our clients, third parties may also include any of our consortium partners but strictly only for the purposes of submitting a tender or carrying out projects, in the context of our activities described above.
  • AETS makes use of EmailStrategie to send out newsletters to its experts, clients, prospective clients, partners and suppliers, in order to inform them of AETS’ news and opportunities for collaboration. EmailStrategie does not possess any right to AETS’ information, including the contact list which is uploaded for each newsletter, and thus not stored on EmailStrategie’s servers. AETS’ user data which pass through EmailStrategie at some point are the users’ e-mail address, first name and surname. Since EmailStrategie is also subject to the GDPR, it has also implemented a data protection policy, which can be found on their website.   
  • AETS also makes use of the Google Analytics software in order to improve performance of its website and in order to track and analyse how the website is used. All data collected by Google Analytics are anonymous traffic data that are strictly used for the purpose of website-use analysis – these data include browser information, device information, IP address and language.

Access, rectification and deletion of data:

  • Our users have the right to access, update, modify and delete, at any time, all data related to them that is in some way stored by AETS. Users will be notified accordingly at least once a year.
  • Requests for access, rectification or deletion may be done via post or e-mail. A response will be provided within 30 days upon receipt of the request.


  • If you have questions regarding your data or our privacy policy, do not hesitate to contact us using the details below:

E-mail:                         privacy@aets-consultants.com

Postal Address:          ATTN. Information Systems Officer

                                    AETS, 17 Avenue André Marie Ampère

                                    64140 Lons, France

Privacy Policy Changes:

  • AETS is fully committed to creating and maintaining a private and secure operating environment for all its users. Users will always have access to the latest AETS privacy policy, including any amendments thereto.
  • This document may be updated regularly, thus only the electronic version, which can be found on our website under “Terms and Conditions”, should be considered true and correct.


AETS (Application Européenne de Technologies et de Services) is a "Société par Actions Simplifiée" with a registered capital of 1.330.000 euros registered in the Trade and Companies Register under the reference RCS Pau 409 706 520, European VAT no.: FR 77409706520 with its headquarters at:
17 Avenue André Marie Ampère, Induspal Lons
64140 Lons


17 Avenue André Marie Ampère, Induspal Lons
64140 Lons


6 passage de l'Europe
64000 PAU


OVH : https://www.ovh.com/fr/