The Cross–border cooperation (CBC) between Western Balkan countries at their common borders was initiated for the first time in 2007 under the new Instrument for Pre– accession Assistance (IPA). The aim is to promote good neighbourly relations, to foster Union integration and promote socio-economic development, with following broad objectives: (a) promoting sustainable economic and social development in the border areas; (b) working together to address common challenges in fields such as environment, natural and cultural heritage, public health and the prevention of and fight against organised crime; (c) ensuring efficient and secure borders; (d) promoting joint small scale actions involving local actors from the border regions The evaluation is assessing whether the IPA CBC programmes 2007-2013 have achieved or are achieving their planned objectives, in terms of their impact, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and EU added value. The team of evaluators of AETS will: -Assess the performance of IPA CBC Programmes 2007-2013 between Western Balkans Countries; -Assess the quality of design of IPA II CBC Programmes and make recommendations for improvement; -Identify lessons learned and provide recommendations for the setting-up of a performance framework for IPA II CBC Programmes