TRACES is an online application of the EC as well as a veterinary and sanitary network which controls movement, import and export of live animals and animal products in Europe. The contract aimed to organise and implement 6 training sessions, on TRACES use at import and in intra-EU trade.
Organisation and implementation of training activities concerning veterinary legislation to be held mainly for EU Member States under the 'Better Training for Safer Food' Initiative
Austria, Austria, Belgium, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Czech Republic, Germany, Germany, Denmark, Denmark, Estonia, Estonia, Spain, Spain, Finland, Finland, France, France, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Greece, Greece, Croatia, Croatia, Hungary, Hungary, Ireland, Ireland, Italy, Italy, Lithuania, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Latvia, Latvia, Malta, Malta, Netherlands, Netherlands, Norway, Norway, Poland, Poland, Portugal, Portugal, Romania, Romania, Sweden, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Slovakia - Economic Development, Health and Safety